Monday, 13 October 2008

The case of the dodgy monitor

A week or so ago I was browsing around blogs as you do, and checked out how about orange, a fab design blog. Jess had featured this fab hue test, which I proceeded to do. If you want to try it, you MUST click here. My first score was a dire 27. I couldn't believe it!! Then I thought, hold on, I cant be that bad at my job!! So I decided it was time to buy a new monitor(a bad work person must blame her tools right!). Mine was 6yrs old after all. After some research I decided on a 20"Samsung. Now here I am looking lovingly at it after my wonderful hubby bought it home for me the other day!! Ive just redone the test and improved to a 7! Yippee theres hope for me yet!


Anonymous said...

How do you buy new eyes. My score was 32 and I have a new monitor!!!

Diana said...

Took the test am blaming my monitor, dodgy laptop my score was 55. Wow so baaad.

kitty stitch said...

how come jesses blog readers all scored like 0!!!

BipolarBunny said...

Wow! I suck at that. I got a score of 45. Maybe I should let someone else dress me.