Ive had one of those technically challenging days today! I wanted to make a perfect repeat tile, something which you'd think a textile designer would be adept at doing.....not really! I never usually put my designs in repeat. However for istock I'm hoping to do some repeat patterns as they seem to be popular. Here is my attempt. I have slaved over this. Thanks to a tutorial on design sponge, which helped, but doesn't explain how to do it in illustrator. I expect someone clever reading may be able to direct me to a tutorial??!!
Hey Kitty stitch, I haven't ventured down the repeat pattern route yet, but over at spoonflower, a new company set up to produce textiles, they have a bit of info.www.spoonflower.com
Thanks for that link Diana, have checked it out and its a fab site.
For anyone whose interested Ive since found the best tutorial yet for repeats in illustrator: So happy!!
Serious gorgeousness Kitty!!! I love this!!! xxx
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