Monday, 24 May 2010

Foxy Love

This is my latest istock file. I made the fox as a wolf originally (top image) for one of my textile designs, but my agent said he was too scary for kids wear! So I've turned him into a loving Mr Fox ... not really for kids wear now, just for anyone who wants to download the image! I will do something else with Mr Wolf too, as I like him, even if no one else does.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Animation course

Last week I went on a flash course. I LOVE using it! Have started making little animations using my illustrations. I want to upload some flash animations to my istock portfolio. Its a great way to show potential clients what I have to offer in the way of graphics. The above is my frog animation, I haven't worked out how to show you the clip as yet, but the frog manages to catch the buzzing fly!